Spearheaded by our good friend & trusted colleague, with years of experience investigating the field of the paranormal, Peter Renn and the Canadian Paranormal Foundation is sure to be able to help you.
Visit their page today: https://www.facebook.com/groups/741867486415612/about
If you're outside our coverage range and in Lower Canada, never fear... there are professionals we can put you in contact with. Serving the Lower Mainland in BC, Canada, the team of the Vancouver Paranormal Society are sure to be your best resource!
Visit their website today: http://www.vancouverparanormalsociety.net/index.html
Whether you're a Professional Investigator, or just starting out, GhostStop has the gear and equipment you're looking for. The professionals at GhostStop have it all. Built entirely on site by those who also investigate the paranormal, you can never go wrong when you have your gear from those who design, build, and use the gear themselves.